Cisco Perl Telnet Script:
利用telnet取得每個Cisco路由器或交換器的組態或訊息所需時間約2秒鐘,如果貴公司有1,000台Cisco設備,一般單執行緒程式恐耗時 2,000秒相當於33+分鐘,本Perl程式使用平行多程序同時對所有的Cisco設備進行存取,所需時間可能不到10秒鐘;請各位試試看。1. 執行成功訊息輸出(scalar type)儲存於$hostinfo{ 主機名稱 }->{ 執行指令 }
2. 執行失敗訊息輸出(scalar type)儲存於$hosterrinfo{ 主機名稱 }->{ 執行指令 }
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This perl script is main to be doing numeric cisco equipment management
use strict;
use IPC::Shareable;
$SIG{ 'CHLD' } = 'IGNORE';
my @hosts = ( '主機名稱或IP定址', '主機名稱或IP定址' );
my @cmds = ( 'sh geego', 'sh ver', 'sh clock', 'sh queueing', 'sh hosts' );
my $username = '登入帳號名稱'; # cisco telnet 的帳號
my $passwd = '帳號之密碼'; # cisco telnet 的密碼
my $enable_passwd = 'enable的密碼';
my %hostinfo = ();
my %hosterrinfo = ();
my @children = ();
my %ipcoptions = ( create => 'yes',
exclusive => 0,
mode => 0644,
destroy => 'yes' );
tie %hostinfo, 'IPC::Shareable', 'good', \%ipcoptions or die "Can't tie %hostinfo.\n";
tie %hosterrinfo, 'IPC::Shareable', 'err', \%ipcoptions or die "Can't tie %hosterrinfo\n";
foreach my $host ( @hosts )
my $pid = fork();
die "Can't fork.:$!\n" unless defined( $pid );
if( $pid == 0 ) # this is child process
print "Child process is $$\n";
get_info( $host );
exit( 0 );
else # This is parent process
print "$$ -> Process $pid is processing $host now.\n";
push( @children, $pid );
foreach ( @children )
#my $child_pid = waitpid( $_, 0 );
my $child_pid = wait();
print "Process $_ is done.\n";
sub get_info
use Net::Telnet::Cisco; # 特別的 Perl Cisco Telnet的模組
my ( $hostname ) = @_;
my $cisco = Net::Telnet::Cisco->new( 'Host' => $hostname,
'Errmode'=> 'return' ); # Perl Cisco Telnet的物件初始化
$cisco->login( Password => "$passwd" );
foreach my $cmd ( @cmds )
my @output = $cisco->cmd( "$cmd" );
if( $cisco->errmsg() )
$hosterrinfo{ $hostname }->{ $cmd } = $cisco->errmsg();
my $out = join( "", @output );
$hostinfo{ $hostname }->{ $cmd } = $out;
foreach my $host ( keys %hostinfo )
foreach my $cmd ( keys %{$hostinfo{ $host }} )
print "$host => $cmd =>\n $hostinfo{ $host }->{ $cmd }\n";